
發(fā)布時間:2017-08-29 11:38:481、新聞職業(yè)道德,就是新聞傳播業(yè)的行業(yè)道德。新聞從業(yè)人員或者大眾傳媒自身,遵循一般的社會公德和本行業(yè)的專業(yè)標準,對其職業(yè)行為進行例行的自我自我約束和自我控制。2、新聞自律,是新聞傳播行業(yè)道德和規(guī)范的成文公約或行業(yè)公認的慣例,包括現(xiàn)在非法律的新聞行業(yè)自律組織的工作規(guī)則和處罰條例。3、新聞職業(yè)道德在政治和市場之間所處的位置:新聞職業(yè)道德與黨對傳播的政治要求、市場對其作為產(chǎn)業(yè)的傳媒提出的要求,有關(guān)系。但是由于新聞傳播業(yè)的特殊性,對其的政治要求和市場要求之間,存在著一個中間地帶,就是行業(yè)的職業(yè)道德要求。職業(yè)道德,即這個行業(yè)應該履行的基本的社會職責。傳媒基本的社會職責是監(jiān)測社會環(huán)境,向人們報告發(fā)生在身邊的或遙遠地方的重大社會變化,老百姓指導這個信息以后能夠采取措施來應對。這是傳媒的職責,也是一種職業(yè)意識,或叫職業(yè)精神。因為記者永遠無法照顧到與其報道內(nèi)容利益相關(guān)的所有方面,這是記者在工作產(chǎn)生 道德兩難 問題的根本原因。如果以利益作為決定與否的標準,傳媒將喪失其基本職能。因而,應該按照一定的職業(yè)自律的程序做,記者和編輯不參與傳媒利益的直接去的,是最合理的選擇。要求記者形成專業(yè)醫(yī)師,需要形成這種意識的條件,即責任、權(quán)利、利益統(tǒng)一。要求記者具備新聞傳播的專業(yè)意識,就得明確他的責任、權(quán)利和利益,三者統(tǒng)一,準確落實,使傳媒各種職能或身份的人充分到位。其中的關(guān)鍵在于將編輯部門和經(jīng)營部分分離開,讓記者、編輯專司其職,同時保障他們的權(quán)利,這樣專業(yè)意識就會產(chǎn)生,專業(yè)精神才可能得到弘揚。4.新聞專業(yè)主義新聞專業(yè)主義,主要指的是新聞工作者的職業(yè)意識,以及圍繞職業(yè)的一套新聞傳播專業(yè)的操作要求??梢愿爬橐韵铝c:第一,專業(yè)(行業(yè))意識:監(jiān)測社會環(huán)境的責任意識。第二,職業(yè)規(guī)范意識和評價標準。第三,新聞從業(yè)人員具備專業(yè)知識、技能和傳媒的專業(yè)培訓機制。第四,嚴格、客觀的專業(yè)資格的認可制度。第五,專業(yè)內(nèi)部的自律。第六,專業(yè)精神的范例。二、 我國職業(yè)新聞從業(yè)者道德意識現(xiàn)狀:應該是自律解決的問題,由于缺少自律,于是只好用他律來替代。三、 造成職業(yè)道德缺失的原因1、體制轉(zhuǎn)型。2、商業(yè)利益。3、行業(yè)內(nèi)混崗。4、記者崗位聘任違規(guī)和人員流動率過高。四、 目前首先要做的事情1、將記者的 權(quán)力 意識轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)?權(quán)利 意識。2、立足于同行控制,職業(yè)角色通過職業(yè)理念內(nèi)化而形成。3、明確一系列具體的職業(yè)規(guī)范。4、提升新聞職業(yè)道德研究的學術(shù)質(zhì)量。五、 目前普遍存在的違反職業(yè)規(guī)范的16種現(xiàn)象1、編輯部與經(jīng)營部混崗。2、廣告版與新聞版混崗。3、新聞欄目拉企業(yè)贊助。4、受賄無聞,拿了人家的錢替人家遮掩,閉嘴不說話。5、假新聞。6、制造 新聞假事件 。7、免費接受被采訪方的各種好處。8、侵犯隱私權(quán)。9、侵犯著作權(quán)。10、媒介審判。11、介入式隱形采訪和偷拍偷錄。12、拒絕更正與答辯。13、惡炒明星緋聞和犯罪新聞。14、無人性的冷漠新聞。15、直接展現(xiàn)暴力、血腥、災難、痛苦的照片或畫面。16、虛假廣告和庸俗廣告。六、 新聞職責忠誠的兩個金字塔模式1、新聞從業(yè)者職責忠誠的刀金字塔模式:社會職責 專業(yè)職責 組織職責 個人職責首先要承擔社會職責。其次,要從專業(yè)角度履行職責。然后,由于每個工作人員的工作崗位是不同的,服務的受眾群也有差異,所以還要承擔傳媒組織賦予的具體職責。每個傳媒人員,還要為自身發(fā)展確定更為具體的職責。2、媒體自律的正金字塔層級模式:職業(yè)層面 傳媒層面 行業(yè)層面 制度化層面


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-30 23:21:40People select news in expectation of a reward. This reward may be either of two kinds. One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle, the other to what he calls the Reality Principle. For want of better names, we shall call these two classes immediate reward and delayed reward.In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest. Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health.News of the first kind pays its rewards at once. A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder, shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane, identify himself with the winning team, laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs.News of the second kind, however, pays its rewards later. It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, the mounting national debt, rising taxes, falling market, scarce housing, and cancer. It has a kind of threat value. It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared. When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work. When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.For any individual, of course, the boundaries of these two classes are not stable. For example, a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem, rather than for its immediate reward. A coach may read a sports story for its threat value: he may have to play that team next week. A politician may read an account of his latest successful public meeting, not for its delayed reward, but very much as his wife reads an account of a party. In any given story of corruption or disaster, a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience, but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness. Therefore, while the division of categories holds in general, an individual s tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another, or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward.What news stories do you read?Division ofnews stories● People expect to get (71) ▲ from reading news.● News stories are roughly divided into two classes.● Some news will excite their readers instantly while others won t.(72)▲ofthe two classes ● News of immediate reward will seemingly take their readers to the very frightening scene without actual (73)▲ .● Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and (74)▲similar feelings with those involved.● News of delayed reward will make readers suffer, or present a (75) ▲to them.● News of delayed reward will induce the reader to (76)▲for the reality while news of immediate reward will lead the reader to (77)▲from the reality.Unstable boundariesof the two classes ● What readers expect from news stories are largely shaped by their (78) ▲.● Serious readers will both get excited over what happens in some news stories and (79)▲ themselves to the reality.● Thus, the division, on the whole, (80)▲on the reader.71.rewards/rewarded72.Explanations73.involvement74.share75.threat76.prepare77.withdraw78.profession(s)/intention79.a(chǎn)dapt80.depends71.信息查找題。根據(jù) People select news in expectation of a reward. This reward may be either of two kinds. 可知此處填rewards/rewarded 得到回報/被獎勵 。73.信息轉(zhuǎn)換題。根據(jù)第三段第二句 A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. 可知此處填involvement 參與 。74.信息歸納題。根據(jù)第三段中 A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs. 可知讀者會將自己和新聞故事中發(fā)生的事緊緊聯(lián)系在一起,和參與者有相似的感受。因此此處填share 同樣有 。75.信息查找題。根據(jù)第四段中 It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, It has a kind of threat value. 可知此處填threat 威脅 。76.信息轉(zhuǎn)換題。根據(jù)第四段中 It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared. 可知此處填prepare,與后面的介詞for搭配 為 做準備 。77.信息查找題。根據(jù)第四段中 When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world. 此處填withdraw 退出,離開 。78.歸納概括題。根據(jù)最后一段中 For example, a sociologist may A coach may A politician may 可知讀者對新聞故事的期待很大程度上受他們職業(yè)的影響。此處填profession(s) 職業(yè) /intention 意圖,動機 。79.信息查找題。根據(jù)第四段中 When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work. 可知此處填adapt 使適應 。80.歸納概括題。根據(jù)最后一段中 while the division of categories holds in general, an individual s tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another, or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward. 可知這一分類取決于讀者個體。此處填depends,和后面的介詞on搭配 取決于 。