
發(fā)布時間:2017-07-10 19:23:04Panetta says the damage will be far-reaching. We will furlough as many as 800,000 DOD civilians around the country for up to 22 days. They could face a 20% cut in their salary. You don"t think that"s going to impact on our economy? The sequester reductions come on top of a ten-year program of cuts -- totaling nearly $500 billion -- which were announced earlier but have not yet begun. For Panetta"s successor, the job will be to run a smaller military with less money but growing threats -- spanning from the Middle East to Africa and North Korea. Anthony Cordesman is with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. Basically, it"s a slash and burn operation, initially at least, until the Congress turns it off. And then the question is no one knows -- will it be a continuing resolution? Will it be something going back to the previous level?When the cuts end depends on how soon Congress and the White House reach a budget deal. In the meantime, the concern among security analysts and Pentagon leaders is the extent of damage that could be done to the nation"s defenses.帕內(nèi)塔說,自動減赤所帶來的后果必將是深遠的。 我們將讓全國范圍內(nèi)的國防部80萬文職人員放假,時長最多22天。他們的工資也要削減20%。難道這不會影響到經(jīng)濟嗎? 很早前就已宣布的、共計5000億美元的一系列削減措施,作為10年削減計劃的首要任務(wù),現(xiàn)在還尚未開始。作為帕內(nèi)塔的繼任者來說,其所面臨的工作將不僅是用更少的錢來運營一個更小的軍隊,而且還要面對從中東到非洲以及朝鮮日益增長的威脅。安東尼 考茲曼就職于位于華盛頓的戰(zhàn)略與國際研究中心。 從根本上說,至少從最開始到國會將該計劃停止這段期間,這是一次關(guān)于裁員和精簡的運作。這會是一套持續(xù)的解決方案嗎?這個問題無人知曉。這會不會回到以前的狀態(tài)? 削減何時結(jié)束取決于國會和白宮多快能夠達成預(yù)算協(xié)議。在此期間,國防安全分析師以及領(lǐng)導人會對減赤對美國國防帶來多大的危害程度表示擔憂


發(fā)布時間:2017-07-10 19:22:51Among the early signs of tough times that sequester will bring: the Pentagon this month announced they will not deploy the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman to the Persian Gulf.The timing for the massive cuts is bad. A change of leadership at the Pentagon is under way and departing Secretary Leon Panetta leaves no doubt his successor will be walking into a budget mess. If these cuts happen, there will be a serious disruption in defense programs and a sharp decline in our military readiness. We have already begun an all-out effort to plan for how to operate under such a scenario, but it"s also very clear that there are no good options. Troop training and maintenance of aircraft and ships would be delayed or suspended. The defense department faces the deepest cuts: $46 billion in the next seven months alone.前段時間就存在一些關(guān)于自動減赤機制將在未來引發(fā)財政問題的跡象:本月美國防部已經(jīng)宣布不會將杜魯門號航空母艦部署到波斯灣。大規(guī)模削減軍費的時機很糟糕。國防部長權(quán)利交接正在進行中。里昂帕內(nèi)塔即將退休離職,毫無疑問,他的繼任者將陷入預(yù)算的困境中。如果自動減赤機制生效,將會嚴重擾亂國家防御計劃,并且大幅度削弱我們的軍事戰(zhàn)備能力。在如此機制之下,我們一直在竭盡全力的計劃如何保持軍力,但是很顯然,我們沒有更好的選擇。 部隊的訓練,飛機和艦艇的維持都將推遲或中斷。國防部將面臨著最大幅度的軍費削減:僅未來7個月就將減少460億美元。