
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-10-04 23:19:28Schlie?lich b ckte sie sich nach dem zu Boden gefallenen Schlafanzug und zog ihn ohne Unterw?sche wieder an. Kn?pfte ihn zu und verknotete die Schnur am Bauch. Gedankenverloren schaute Tengo ihr im Halbdunkel zu, als w rde er ein Insekt bei der Metamorphose beobachten. Der Pyjama war ihr viel zu gro?, aber gerade deshalb stand er ihr ausnehmend gut. Sie schl pfte zu ihm in das schmale Bett, r ckte sich zurecht und legte den Kopf an seine nackte Schulter, wo er ihr kleines Ohr sp ren konnte. Ihr warmer Atem streifte seinen Hals. W?hrenddessen wich allm?hlich die L?hmung aus seinem K?rper, wie die Flut sich zur ckzieht, wenn es Zeit dazu ist.Die Luft war noch feucht, aber nicht klebrig oder stickig. Drau?en vor dem Fenster begannen Insekten zu zirpen. Tengos Erektion war nun v?llig abgeebbt, und sein Penis versank wieder in seinem friedlichen Schlummer. Die Dinge hatten eine entsprechende Stufe erreicht, waren ins Rollen gekommen, und der Kreis schien sich endlich geschlossen zu haben. Ein vollkommener Kreis war in die Luft gezeichnet worden. Die Tiere verlie?en die Arche und breiteten sich auf der guten alten Erde aus. Jedes P?rchen kehrte an seinen angestammten Ort zur ck.?Wir sollten schlafen?, sagte sie. ?Tief schlafen.?Tief schlafen, dachte Tengo. Schlafen und wieder aufwachen. Wie die Welt wohl am n?chsten Morgen aussehen w rde??Das wei? niemand?, las Fukaeri seine Gedanken.


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-29 22:39:26One hot night last August, I tried everything I could think of a warm bottle, songs etc. to make him fall into sleep, but he just couldn t do it. Since I believed that a long night was waiting for me ahead, I had no choice but to bring a TV into his room to kill off the hours until dawn. I was surprised that the moment I turned on the TV the baby became quiet right away and fixed his little eyes brightly on the screen. Not willing to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoed out of the room, leaving him to watch the boring TV programs.I heard no more of the baby s crying that night and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV by himself. I found there was a metaphor(暗喻) in my baby s behavior(行為) for the new generation. When I gave my boy some books to go over, he only spit upon them; when I read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools with my students. I find that our students don t read and they look down upon reading and make light of those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this experience with the baby, however, I have drawn a conclusion: Let them watch it! If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight against it? Let them watch what they want!1. Why did the father bring a TV set into his son s room?A. To enjoy some interesting programs together with his son.B. To help himself pass the long hours ahead of him.C. To help his son fall asleep sooner.D. To keep his son from making noises.2. The baby seemed to be ______ at the sight of the TV set.A. excited B. surprised C. bored D. pleased3. This experience with his baby helped the father ______.A. to know his baby betterB. to know better how to educate his studentsC. to change his opinions towards TVD. to know better about the new generation