
發(fā)布時間:2019-05-05 20:31:10A.Basket and houses B.California and geographicalC.Handicraft and colorful languages D.California tribes and their cultures37、What is the Pomo good at?( A )A.Making basket B.hunting for foundC.Taking Care of babies D.Making presents38、How many of California trikes are mentioned in the passage?( C )A.two B.three C.four D.five39、From the passage We know that their houses?( D )A.round and strong B.very dard C.made of only grass D.built in groups40、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?( C )A.There are over 100 languages in California nowB. There are nearly 2000 houses in a communityC.The Pomo mainly fed on acorns as well as the MaiduD.ALLcalifornia native Americans lived in environmental placesC(加粗部分是答案)The willful blindness in hockey toward concussions(頭部撞擊)has dropped. Hockey Canada has followed the lead of USA Hockey in preventing bodychecking(身體攔截)below age13. (41.A bad head injury of Sidney Crosby,the hockey`s greatest star,opened the eyes of beckey people everywhere . )This country`s children have been facing similar danger at early ages, and Hockey Canadians to make the rule change. The liking for bodychecking from an early age is part of what makes Canadian hockey what it is.The change in rules should be taken as a chance to draw special attention to skill development in an environment free of danger.(42.It may also control the loss of thousands of young players who don`t enjoy thatenvironment.)


發(fā)布時間:2019-05-06 14:23:571.在劇烈運動中,當 極點 現(xiàn)象出現(xiàn)后,正確的處理方法是( )。A.降低運動強度 B.加大運動度。C.立即停止運動,進行休息 D.調整呼吸節(jié)奏2.人體運動的能源物質包括( )。A.維生素D B.葡萄糖 C.軟脂酸 D.氨基酸3.反應速度訓練應注意的問題包括( )。A.反應速度能力的遺傳度低,發(fā)展空間較大B.要求學生注意力集中C.通過改變刺激因素的強弱和信號發(fā)出的時間練習提高反應能力D.應該考慮學生反應速度的生理特征4.關于女生經(jīng)期運動的注意事項。下列說法正確的有( )。A.適當減少運動量和運動時間B.運動幅度不宜過大C.不宜在烈日下運動D.痛經(jīng)的女生應臥床休息,不能進行任何運動5.以下哪些不屬于集中注意力練習的游戲?( )A.螞蟻運糧 B.十字接力 C.反口令練習 D.奪球搶拍