
發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:44:25As is shown in the picture, we can see that a young man is sitting on the front of a car with the background of RMB symbol and a house, while a young woman is running toward the young man showing her love to him. Apparently, this picture reveals a modern view of love.It is easy to find that the sense of love has been distorted. The majority of people value money more than love. Why does this happen? Perhaps, there are three reasons. First, if one married a wealthy person, he/she would not be afraid of losing his/her job and would live a comfortable life with new fashion and entertainment. Second, it is easier to succeed by marrying a wealthy person. With the money after the marriage he/she could do what he/she wants to do, such as managing a business or traveling around the world. Third, the sense of being prosperous by hard work is weakening. When one tends to be lazy but love can bring a comfortable life, he/she will pay little attention to work. As far as I am concerned, I would like to pursue happiness and pleasure because money does not always go hand in hand with true love. So we should take a right attitude toward money and love.


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:45:18As is indicated in the above picture, he emerging term Shanzhai culture, or copycat culture, is gaining popularity in China. Once used to describe the copying of electronic products, the catchphrase has now been applied to the cloning of everything that is popular, ranging from daily necessities to entertainments, even celebrities. Nowadays the phenomenon has stirred a heated debate in China.Some people, especially youngsters, voice their support for Shanzhai culture, believing it adds diversification to orthodox culture and brings fun to our lives. At the same time, they point out that it breaks conventional boundary and challenges authority. Thus, the trend should be encouraged as long as it doesn"t violate laws and regulations. In contrast, others arguethat a campaign be launched to combat the rampant activities, which will probably lead to certain consequences. For one thing, the copying of brand products is a kind of piracy, running counter to Intellectual Property Rights; for another, under the disguise of grass-roots wisdom, Shanzhai culture proves to be an action lacking creativity and therefore will hamper our innovation in the long run.Personally, I side with the latter party. In spite of its current prosperity, I am convinced that under no circumstances is Shanzhai culture going to replace what it imitates.


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:43:52In the illustration above,ignoring the disgust from other passengers on the bus, a young couplenot only fail to yield their seat to an old man who stands right beside them with a walking stick,but also have the audacity to praise him for standing long hours. This drawing reveals that social morality of respecting the eldersis confronting indifference of the young generation.For thousands of years, it has been considered a social responsibilityand behavioral norm to respect the elders in China. Unfortunately,the practice of this tradition is fading away due to the following two reasons.For one thing, those only children who are spoiled badly by their parents are too selfish and cold to care for others, let alone the strangers on a bus. For another, the erosion of foreign cultures represented by the America"sso-called freedom and equality as well as the domestic social contradictions caused by the economic boom also results in the ignorance of the basic traditional Chinese etiquette.There is no doubt that traditional morality, as a national spirit,is a valuable contributionto social harmony and progress and thus should be promoted and developedin modern times.


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:46:54As is vividly depicted in the picture,a man is exerting himself to grab the money in the air, with a voluminous book in hand. On the book there are several big words-academic fraud. Obviously the painter intends tocondemn the intellectuals who barter their honesty for fame or money.Recently, mounting negative reports about some prestigious professors have aroused public concernover intellectual integrity. These professors, in spite of their high reputation,are charged with plagiarizing others" research findingsor fabricating scientific data.A reliable survey of 180 researchers indicates that approximately 60% of them confessedthey paid to have papers publishedin academic journals and that 40% of themsaid they once copied others" work. To make matters worse, scholars lacking professional integrity exert a bad influence on young students, who follow the trendinstead of pursuing innovation.There is no doubt that this phenomenon has blockedthe country"s scientific development. Therefore, it"s high time that administrations concerned took measures to curb the misconductand encourage creativity in academic field. To increase transparency is of supreme importance, which enables the government to oversee the researchers" work. The eradication of academic dishonesty, I am convinced, will clear the obstaclesthat prevent us frombecoming a country of innovation and vitality.