
發(fā)布時間:2017-09-17 14:26:53一、單項選擇題(下列各題的備選答案中,只有一項是最符合題意的,請把這個答案選出。)1.2014年7月7日是 七七事變 ( )周年紀(jì)念日。A.80B.77C.78D.792.我國最年輕的地級市是( )。A.克拉瑪依市B.白銀市C.日喀則市D.三沙市3.2014年第九號臺風(fēng) 威馬遜 ,于7月18日15時30分在( )沿海登陸,登陸時中心附近最大風(fēng)速達60米秒。A.海南文昌B.福建泉州C.浙江舟山D.廣西北海


發(fā)布時間:2017-08-21 12:05:3911、甲、乙、丙三村 分別按20%、30%、50%的比例共同投資興建一座水庫,蓄水量10萬立方米,約定用水量按投資比例分配。某年夏天,丙村與丁村約定當(dāng)年7月中旬丙從自己的用水量中向丁供應(yīng)灌溉用水1萬立方米,丁支付價款1萬元。供水時,水渠流經(jīng)戊村,戊村將水全部截流灌溉本村農(nóng)田。丁村因未及時得到供水,致秧苗損失5000元。丁村以為丙村故意不給供水,遂派村民將水庫堤壩挖一缺口以放水,堤壩因此受損,需花 2萬元方可修復(fù)。因缺口大水下瀉,造成甲村塘中魚苗損失2000元。由于發(fā)生了上述情形,乙村欲將其30%的份額轉(zhuǎn)讓給庚村。問:A、本案涉及哪些民事法律關(guān)系?答案:甲、乙、丙三者對村水庫的共有關(guān)系;丙村與丁村的合同關(guān)系;丁村對甲、乙、丙的侵權(quán)關(guān)系;丁村對甲村的侵權(quán)關(guān)系;戊村對丙村的侵權(quán)關(guān)系。B、丙村與丁村之間的約定是否有效?為什么?答案:如果甲、乙行使優(yōu)先購買權(quán),則合同無效;如果不行使優(yōu)先購買權(quán),則合同有效。因為,按份共有財產(chǎn)的每個共有人有權(quán)要求將自己的份額分出或者轉(zhuǎn)讓。但在出售時,其他共有人在同等條件下,有優(yōu)先購買的權(quán)利。C、丁村秧苗損失可向誰索賠?為什么?答案:如果甲、乙行使優(yōu)先購買權(quán),致使合同無效,則丁村可以向丙追究締約過失責(zé)任。如果合同有效,丁村可以向丙村追究違約責(zé)任。因為,當(dāng)事人一方因第三方的原因造成違約的,應(yīng)當(dāng)向?qū)Ψ匠袚?dān)違約責(zé)任。D、對于堤壩毀壞誰可以作為原告起訴?為什么?答案:甲、乙、丙都可以作為原告。因為,水庫由甲、乙、丙三村共有,丁的行為損害了三者的所有權(quán)。E、甲村魚苗損失應(yīng)由誰賠償?為什么?答案:丁村賠償。因為,丁是侵權(quán)行為人。F、乙村如欲將其30%的份額轉(zhuǎn)讓給庚村,乙村應(yīng)履行何種義務(wù)?甲村、丙村享有 何種權(quán)利?答案:乙有通知甲、乙村的義務(wù),甲、乙有優(yōu)先購 買權(quán)。因為,按份共有財產(chǎn)的每個共有人有權(quán)要求將自己的份額分出或者轉(zhuǎn)讓。但在出售時,其他共有人在同等條件下,有優(yōu)先購買的權(quán)利。12、甲、乙、丙三人共有一套房屋,甲有50%份額,乙有30%,丙有20%,這套房屋租給了丁。在租賃期間,甲欲讓其份額,乙、丙、丁均主張優(yōu)先購買權(quán)。①該優(yōu)先購買權(quán)應(yīng)( )。A、丁行使 B、乙丙行使C、丁、乙抓鬮決定 D、甲決定答案:B。根據(jù)《民法通則》第78條第3款和《合同法》第230條,本題中乙、丙、 丁 均享有優(yōu)先購買權(quán)。但由于乙、丙的優(yōu)先權(quán)是基于房屋共有的物權(quán),丁的優(yōu)先權(quán)是基于租賃合同所產(chǎn)生的債權(quán),根據(jù) 物權(quán)優(yōu)于債權(quán) 的原理,本題中的優(yōu)先權(quán)應(yīng)由乙、丙行使。②對于乙丙對甲轉(zhuǎn)讓份額行使的優(yōu)先購買權(quán),應(yīng)由( )。A、由乙丙共同行使1/2 B、乙丙按原有份額C、由乙丙抓鬮決定 D、由甲決定答案:D。根據(jù)按份共有物的處分原則,當(dāng)幾個共有人都想購買轉(zhuǎn)讓份額時,應(yīng)由 轉(zhuǎn)讓份額的共有人決定將其份額轉(zhuǎn)讓給哪一個共有人。③設(shè)甲拋棄該50%份額,則( )。A、歸國家所有 B、由乙丙共同共有C、由乙丙各享有25% D、乙、丙份額相應(yīng)增加答案:D。共有人在不損害社會利益和他人利益的條件下,可以拋棄其應(yīng)有的份額 ,被拋棄的份額,歸屬于其他共有人。④現(xiàn)該房屋甲乙丙輪流居住,在甲居住期間,該房因地基下沉倒塌砸傷行人丁,丁花去醫(yī)藥費5000元,則( )。A、由甲乙丙負連帶責(zé)任B、由甲承擔(dān)C、由甲乙丙負按份責(zé)任D、首先由甲承擔(dān),不足部分按份額由乙、丙承擔(dān)答案:A。


解放軍文職招聘考試2014年12月英語四級聽力真題第二套(試題+原文+答案)發(fā)布時間:2017-06-18 18:30:342014年12月英語四級聽力真題第二套(試題+原文+答案)Section AA) He was ordered to clear the apartment by his mother last time.B) He has not cleared the apartment since his mother s visit.C) He has cleared the apartment several times since his mother s visiting.D) He asked his mother to clear the apartment last time.A) They might as well catch the coming bus.B) They will also miss the next bus.C) They might as well take the next bus.D) They hurry up to catch the coming bus.A) She asked for a sick leave because of neck pain.B) Mrs. Smith will take over her work for several days.C) She has to do extra work for a few days.D) Mrs. Smith was too busy to take over her work.A) Change her job.B) Sell her cafeteria.C) Plant flowers.D) Wash dishes.A) He remembered to take the package to the post office.B) He was told to have something wrong with his mind.C) He is a deliver man working in the post office.D) He failed to do what he promised to do.A) The woman has a rule to select horror films.B) The woman does not like horror films.C) The woman cares much for horror films.D) The woman like the film the man mentioned.A) The speakers disagree with each other about love.B) Love in the woman s eye is happy and sweet.C) The speakers share a common view on love.D) Love hurts the man from time to time.A) Preparations for a forum.B) Preparations for an interview.C) Preparations for a banquet.D) Preparations for making chairs.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) England.B) Scandinavia.C) South America.D) Scotland.A) More women will stay at home.B) More women will run for higher posts.C) Marriages will be abolished.D) More women will work outside the family.A) Spending more time improving women s income.B) Spending more time changing men s attitudes.C) Spending more time improving marriage quality.D) Spend more time changing women s attitudes.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) In a restaurant.B) In a meeting room.C) In an office.D) In a factory.A) He is a salesman of J.R. Motors.B) He is the boss of the restaurant.C) He is the Managing Director of J.R. Motors.D) He is the managing director of the big factory.A) To get a good export agent.B) To expand the factory.C) To get a good import agent.D) To design a new product.A) His family background.B) His reputation.C) His designing talent.D) His determination.Section BPassage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A) How being an identical twin influences one s identity.B) How twins are born and have the same identity.C) Why many identical twins make different choices.D) Why many identical twins don t live near each other.A) They didn t meet each other for 4 months.B) They grew up in different surroundings.C) They were separated when they are 39 years old.D) They all have two wives and two daughters.A) They want to find out the relationship between environment and biology.B) They want to find out the connection between hobby and personalities.C) They want to find out the connection between surroundings and personality characteristics.D) They want to find out the connection between communication and talents.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) It isn t one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday.B) It is the most comfortable ways of spending a holiday.C) It is the most popular ways of having a holiday.D) It is an inexpensive way of spending a holiday.A) It is the frame tent for two people.B) It consists of an inner and an outer tent.C) It is the kind of the outer tent with a ground sheet.D) It is comfortable with windows, kitchens and sitting rooms.A) A ground sheet.B) A bedroom extension.C) A kitchen extension.D) A water-proof sheet.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.A) It covers 179 square miles.B) It is larger than New York City.C) It is located between France and Italy.D) It only covers 197 square miles.A) Travelers were easy to reach the country.B) The living way of the people changed quickly.C) It has a small number of farmer population.D) It was cut off from the rest of the world.A) The investment of tourism from its neighboring countries.B) The lowest import fees for tourists cheapest shopping.C) The building of roads connecting it with neighboring countries.D) The permission to visit so many ancient buildings.A) They work in foreign business.B) They work in the tourist industry.C) They farm and raise sheep.D) They work in transportation industry.Section CDon t take many English courses, they won t help you get a decent job. Sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound __26__? Many of us have heard suggestions like these __27__ by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then? Should suggestions like these be taken with __28__? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must 29 their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after you ve considered various __30__ and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should __31__ the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having __32__ in a great deal of your personal history. They may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child __33__ caring and protection. Or they may see only your strength, or in some unfortunate cases they may __34__ only your flaws and shortcomings. People will always be giving your advice, ultimately though, you have to make your own __35__.Woman: When was the last time you dusted the apartment?Man: When was the last time my mother came over?Question: What does the man imply?Woman: Hurry up Mark, there s a bus coming now.Man: Why run? There ll be another one in 2 or 3 minutes.Question: What does the man mean?Man: Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come you ve been so busy?Woman: Ms Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.Question: What do we learn about the woman?Woman: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring.Man: Why don t you quit and deliver the flowers with me?Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?Woman: Rod, you said you d take this package to the post office yesterday.Man: Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind.Question: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?Man: I m not surprised that you didn t like that movie. I find it really scary myself.Woman: So did I. I don t care much for horror movies as a rule.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?Man: My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too.Woman: Your words remind me of the saying honey is sweet but the bee stings.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?Man: How many more chairs should I bring in for the forum, six or seven?Woman: Bring in all you can find. I m expecting at least 20 participants.Question: What are the speakers talking about?Conversation 1Man: Do you think there s discrimination against women in England today?Woman: Certainly, and not just in education and work either, in many other fields as well. The tax situation for women is very unfair, for example.Man: Are women better off in other countries then?Woman: It depends on the country. There s certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too.Man: Do you think the position of English women will improve?Woman: In some ways it will of course. I m sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years. But the women have a much greater problem than this to solve.Man: What s that?Women: The problem of men s attitudes. We can earn more money in the future, but I m not sure we can change men attitudes. You see, most men really think that women are inferior. Maybe we are physically weaker, but I don t think this means we are inferior. Then there s another problem.Man: Yes?Women: The problem of women s attitudes. Lots of women are unhappy with their present situation, but most of them probably don t want to fight for change. It could be that the women s liberation movement has to spend more time changing women s attitudes than it spends in changing men s.Man: One last question, some supporters of the woman s liberation movement believed that marriages should be abolished. You agree?Women: No, I don t. It can t happen. What may and should happen is that we teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework.9. Where are women said to be less discriminated against?10. What will happen in England in 20 years according to the conversation?11. What does the woman think the women s liberation movement should do?Conversation 2Man: Cheers, ShirleyWomen: Cheers, Paul. What a lovely place for a business lunch. I hope I can concentrate in this heat.Man: I will sure you will when I tell you about my ideas.Woman: You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you, but from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden.Man: Well, my father-in-law, who is also the managing director of J.R. Motives, has given me two weeks to prepare a report on the possibility of moving into the export market.Woman: Ah, now, just one thing Paul. Have you really thought the whole idea through?Man: Of course I have.Woman: Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, and you say the bank will help?Man: I m almost sure of it.Woman: Preliminary studies are very good, Paul. But if the product can t sell, then there s little use in expanding the factory.Man: Yes, I realize that, Shirley. But we have a very good product. The chief designer has just completed a new improved model.Woman: I know your bikes have a very good reputation here, but you have to build up a reputation and mark it in Africa.Man: Yes, of course. But the immediate problem is that my father-in-law wants a detailed report by next Monday. Two weeks isn t enough time to prepare a report, so I need your help.Woman: OK, Paul, you ve convinced me. I must say I admire your determination.12. Where does the conversation most probably take place?13. What do we learn about the men s father-in-law?14. What does the woman think is important in the whole operation?15. What does the woman admire in the man?Passage 1Scientists know how twins were born, now though, they are trying to explain how being half of the biological pair influences a twin s identity. They want to know why many identical twins make similar choices even when they don t leave near each other. For example, Jim Springer and Jim Louis are identical twins. They were separated when they were only 4 months old. The two Jims grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. When they finally met, they discovered some surprising similarities between them. Both men were married twice, their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty. Both twins named their first sons James Allen. Scientists want to know what influences are personality. They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Louis. These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. Researchers at the University of Minnesota, studies 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together. They discovered many similarities in their personalities. Scientists believed that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are not result of environment. These characteristics are probably inherited. Scientists continue to study identical twins because they are uncertain about them and have many questions. For example, they want to know can twins really communicate without speaking , can one twin really feel another twin s pain . Perhaps with more research, scientists will find the answers.16. What are scientists trying to explain according to the passage?17. What do we learn about the twin Jims?18. Why are scientists interested in studying identical twins raised in different families?Passage 2Today I m going to talk about tents. Camping is still one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. And each year, over 3 million people take camping vocations, either here in Britain or aboard, mostly on the continent. Obviously, camping can t be as comfortable as living in a permanent house, but modern tents can be very comfortable indeed, with windows, bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms. The most popular tent sold in Britain is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent of water-proofed fabric and a lighter inner tent or tents with a built-in ground sheet. The outer tent fits over the frame work. This is made of metal poles which are fitted together. The inner tent is attached to this frame. Generally, the inner tent is about half the area of the outer tent. The other half of the outer tent is the living area. This doesn t usually have a ground sheet but you can buy one to fit, though it costs extra. The ordinary 4 bed frame tent doesn t usually have a separate kitchen area, but the larger ones often do. You can buy a kitchen extension for many tents, and it s worth buying one if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days.19. What does the speaker say about camping?20. What does the passage tell us about the most popular tent sold in Britain?21. What does the speaker suggest buying if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days?Passage 3Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world, is located high in the mountains between France and Spain. The country covers only 179 square miles. That is less than half the size of New York City. High, rocky mountains surround Andorra. Until the 1930s, travelers had difficulty in reaching the country. Up until that time, people in Andorra lived in the way they had lived for centuries. Most Andorrans worked as farmers. Things did not change quickly. When roads were built from France and Spain to Andorra in the 1930s, life picked up speed. Tourist began to visit the small country. These tourists brought in a lot of money to spend while visiting. Many people in Andorra found new jobs in shops or hotels. These changes helped to keep young people in Andorra. There were many more jobs than before the roads were built. Today tourists provided 80 to 90 percent of Andorra s income. More than a million people visit each year. They come to view the rough mountains. They enjoy the quiet way of life. Most people are also interested in the ancient buildings. There are many shops for tourists to browse in, clothes, watches, wines and other items are sold at low prices in Andorra. Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy the inexpensive shopping. Most of the businesses in Andorra are owned by its citizens. There are not many foreign businesses. Some Andorrans still farm and raise sheep and cattle. But most are now involved with the tourist trade.22. How big does the speaker say Andorra is?23. What can be said about Andorra before the 1930s?24. What event changed the situation in Andorra?25. What do most people do in Andorra do nowadays?clozeDictation:Compound DictationDon t take may English courses, they won t help you get a decent job. Sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound familiar? Many of us have heard suggestions like these put forward by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then should suggestions like these be taken with caution? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must live with their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after you ve considered various alternatives and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should ignore the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having participated in a great deal of your personal history. They may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child, and need care and protection. Or they may see only your strength or in some unfortunate cases, they may focus only on your flaws and shortcomings. People will always be giving your advice, ultimately, though you have to make your own judgments.每天15分鐘英語聽力ID:shrj520小伙伴關(guān)注了之后,聽力變成送分題▲微信掃描以上二維碼1. 女士問男士最近一次是什么時候為公寓除塵的,應(yīng)該是嫌男士家里不干凈,結(jié)果男士的回答卻是那得看我媽上次是什么時候來的。言外之意就是其實都是他媽媽幫他搞衛(wèi)生。對應(yīng)答案B. He has not cleared the apartment since his mother s visit.2. 女士在催男士趕快跑,馬上公交車來了。男士卻說不用跑,下一班2、3分鐘之后就到。言外之意是可以趕下一班車。對應(yīng)答案C. They might as well take the next bus.3. Up to one s neck就是某人手頭要做的事實在太多,多得沒法應(yīng)付。這句沒聽懂也不影響做題,因為后面男人又問 how come you ve been so busy? (你最近怎么會這么忙?)女人回答史密斯夫人請病假了, 所以她要代理一些工作。由此可得知,女人最佳不得不做一些額外的工作。對應(yīng)答案C. She has to do extra work for a few days.4. 女士說每天在咖啡館洗盤子很無聊,男士讓她和他一起去送花。也就是讓她換工作。對應(yīng)答案A change her job.5. Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind. slip one s mind指的是:忘記了。男人忘記了自己的諾言。對應(yīng)答案D. He failed to do what he promised to do.6. 男人對女人說,你不喜歡這部電影我一點也不驚訝。我自己也覺得很嚇人。 女人說,確實。通常來說她都不喜歡恐怖電影。對應(yīng)答案B. The woman does not like horror films.本題可能的干擾內(nèi)容是對as a rule的理解,as a rule 相當(dāng)于in general: 通常來說。7. 男人說就他個人經(jīng)驗來說愛可以是甜蜜的,但也會帶來傷害。女人說著話讓她想到一句諺語,蜂蜜雖甜蜜,但是蜜蜂卻會扎人。由此可見,他們對愛的看法是一致的。對應(yīng)答案C. The speakers share a common view on love.8. 男人問女人要為論壇再準(zhǔn)備幾把椅子,6把還是7把。女人說,把所有能找到的椅子都帶上。 由此可見,他們是在為一次論壇的召開做準(zhǔn)備工作。對應(yīng)答案A .Preparations for a forum.Conversation One9. 考查細節(jié)。在對話中,女方說 There s certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too. 雖然Scandinavia這個詞考生可能不認(rèn)識,但根據(jù)發(fā)音理應(yīng)能夠識別。對應(yīng)答案B. Scandinavia.10. 考查細節(jié)。直接在對話中有所展示, I m sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years. 對應(yīng)答案D. More women will work outside the family.11. 考查細節(jié)。略有難度,在對話剛剛提到women s liberation movement并未提到本題的答案,考生若不熟悉 liberation movement 可能會慌,但隨后便會聽到第三題的答案。對應(yīng)答案D. Spend more time changing women s attitudes.Conversation Two12. 推理判斷。從開頭能聽出場景,兩人是在用商務(wù)午餐。對應(yīng)答案A. In a restaurant.13. 考查細節(jié)。對話中Paul說 my father-in-law, who is also the managing director of Jayal Motors, 故得知。對應(yīng)答案C. He is the Managing Director of Jayal Motors.14. 考查細節(jié)。很明顯,key thing也就是important,對話中說 Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, 故得知。對應(yīng)答案B. To get a good import agent.15. 考查細節(jié)。對話最后Shirley說, I must say I admire your determination.故得知. 對應(yīng)答案D. His determination.Passage One17. 關(guān)鍵詞即是Jim 這個名字。關(guān)于兩個Jim的情況是:他們一直生長在不同家庭,直到39歲才見面。 grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. 他們都結(jié)過兩次婚,第二次婚姻中,妻子都叫貝蒂。 Both men were married twice and their second wives were both named Betty. 而他們的第一個孩子都是兒子 Both twins named their first sons James Allen. 對應(yīng)答案B. They grew up in different surroundings.18. 通過對兩個Jim的研究, These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. 對應(yīng)答案A. They want to find out the relationship between environment and biology.Passage Two20. 關(guān)鍵抓 the most popular tent 。通過這個關(guān)鍵表述,我們可以知道最受歡迎的帳篷有這樣的特色: The most popular tent is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent and a lighter inner tent or tents. 對應(yīng)答案B. It consists of an inner and an outer tent.Passage Three26. familiar27. put forward28. caution29. live30. alternatives31. ignore32. participated33. in need of34. focus35. judgments